Being Called
New Orleans, 2009

Filling an hour before the zydepunks show,
I wander Bourbon St.
Feeling encased by thick opaque glass
I drift around the drunken walking
And find myself in yet another Voo-doo shop

I am in the back corner, surrounded by masks
When I drop inwards
Sound of the street dims
All I distinctly hear is the rotation of the fan above me
It’s an old fan, moving slowly
Moving air over the masks

I’m aware that I’m dropped inwards
I stand in one spot and simply let my eyes see
I stand
I listen to the fan rotating
It feels like all that exists is myself and this fan
I almost expect one of the masks to speak

I wait
I feel like someone wants to speak
There is some message in this dip inwards
The fan continues to rotate
Shop is empty now and I continue to stand

Nothing happens
Time passes slower when I’m within
I decide to leave
He’s standing outside in his black hat and coat
“You are interesting,” he opens
I smile

He’s a magician, the reader on duty
We speak for endless minutes
We sit on the curb as light rain falls about us
I open the small black loaned umbrella
I watch his white teeth and let his words wash over

I speak slowly, from the depth of being within
It’s harder for me to speak from this place
But I feel strong, present, wise, old
His terms are different, his grounding different, his belief in magic different
And he feels so very young due to his nervous fast words

Yet I still know he has a message for me
“Is there something you have to tell me?  Can you reach deep within?” I ask

“Fear is good,” he says.  “It is important to reach through that fear.”

Mmmm.  I walk away into the night.

I find my way into that shop several more times
Each time the fan is off
All images and writing are copyrighted.  These stories will be published by 2012.
Printed version available upon request.
All feedback and comments are welcome.  Please send to blissmeander at