
If you look for anything hard enough
You will find it
Is that true?
I want to believe that it is.


Tiny balls of Light

I stand chatting with him in his hallway
When I see several tiny balls of light
Fly through the space around me
They startle me

I share with him what I saw
He accepts it
“Do you often see energy?”
As if that’s a normal question
I like that people accept this all
As if it were normal

Perhaps someday
I too will.


Keeping my Eyes

The little girl in the movie
Is tempted into another world
Where first everything is given in abundance
Attention, foods, laughter, entertainment
All temptations
And then she is asked to give up her reality

To allow
Darkness to steal her soul
By replacing eyes with buttons
Sewn in with a sharp needle

How does this myth connect to my life?
Aren’t I being tempted right now?
What will I be asked to do?

When the movie scares me too much
I reach over
Intertwining my fingers with hers
Knowing that she too faces this same path

Who are we?
Who are we creating ourselves to be?
Who will we allow ourselves to be?

I do not want my eyes cut out.


Dissolving Behind Mist Over Meat on Paper


He has been in my life for over thirteen years
And we reconnect as if we just saw each other
Although many years have passed
As has is part of my soul family

We walk down the darkened smoky hallway
To the old woman at the counter
Who cuts our sausage and ribs and loin
And places it onto brown paper
“White bread or crackers?” she asks

We gaze into each other’s eye
He melts into a young boy
“Your face dissolved as a mist moved in
All that remained is one eye.” He shares
"All the rest of your face
Fell behind the curtain of mist."


All images and writing are copyrighted.  These stories will be published by 2012.
Printed version available upon request.
All feedback and comments are welcome.  Please send to blissmeander at